Aikido breakfall

Aikido – Common principles, infinite expressions

An informal demo by seniors at Aikido Warrior Fudoshin Dojo doing a quick run through of the Aiki principles and techniques covered at a recent Saturday class.  The theme of the class was katadori (same side grab) attacks.

The video serves as a nice reminder that while Aikido shares common principles such as taking balance, merging with the attacker’s power and maintaining centre, it also has infinite expressions.


Saturday’s class – What we covered in 36 seconds

We’ve introduced a new tradition lately where seniors do a quick run through summary demo at the end of class of what we covered in the previous 2 hours. This Saturday it was informally recorded and makes a nice video momento of a typical class at our dojo.

Video compilation – Aikido Warrior Dojo class – 4 June 2016

A fun video compilation recorded at a class at our dojo on 4 June 2016.

Chest grab deflections – A seio otoshi back up plan

Its great when a chest grab (munadori) deflection works out.  However, sooner or later the stars won’t line up and you will be grabbed. One option for a plan B is munadori seio otoshi.  


Have a great week

Ian Grant
Head Dojo Instructor
Aikido Warrior Dojo


Free form ukemi training

o-sensei,throw,Training in how to safely receive technique (ukemi) is something that is particularly emphasised at our dojo.  In every class time is set aside to develop and refine our ukemi skills.  Everyone participates, however, the level and intensity of the practice varies consistent with each student’s experience and skills.

One form of ukemi practice  that we have a lot of fun doing is what we call “free form ukemi training”.  Basically the uke repeatedly receives different variations of the same technique which, depending on the variation, result in unpredictable and different falling outcomes.

Ian Grant - Aikido UkemiRyotadori seoi otoshi is a favourite technique for this sort of training. Subtle changes in the application of the technique result in the uke having to unpredictably roll or breakfall from the left or right hand side while in an unbalance position.  They also result in alterations in the space between the uke and nage, as well as the extent to which the some or all of the nage’s body operates to sever the uke’s connection to the ground.

The use of ryotadori seoi otoshi  for this sort of training is demonstrated in the video below.



  • Video Library: Falling and uke arts

For further videos and posts on ukemi training, including how to forward roll, see Video Library: Falling and uke arts.


  • Ryotadori seoi otoshi – the basic elements

In the below video, Peter Kelly Sensei, International Instructor for Aikido Yuishinkai, demonstrates the shape and footwork for ryotadori seoi otoshi as practised in our school. As noted in the lead-in commentary for the featured video, in order to produce different ukemi outcomes for training purposesparticipants made subtle (and maybe at times not so subtle) amendments to the execution of the technique.


  • Training methods for learning to breakfall

For examples of training methods that we use to develop our breakfalling skills (one aspect of ukemi) see the below video.  More detailed information on ukemi training can be found in the Video Library: Falling and uke arts.


Have a great week.

Ian Grant
Head Instructor
Aikido Warrior Dojo